INTRODUCTION I picked Crime Patrol up along with Twisted. Crime Patrol is a shooter where you are a police officer that shoots bad guys. There many ranks and three levels for each rank. I made it past Rookie rank and to undercover but can't seem to beat that last level. GRAPHICS-7/10 Basically nothin but FMV. Some can be choppy. But most of the bad guys are pretty good and dressed up to look like bad guys. Overall average graphics. SOUNDS-8/10 Shots can be heard pretty well and usually aren't choppy and voices are well done. The sounds of crime patrol are well done. CONTROL-5/10 I sure do need a gun for this game! It is very hard to aim if guys are poppin up everywhere and when you shoot the shot is some times inaccurrate. I am rating this with the standard controler so it really sucks but is possible to beat if you know where most of the bad guys are coming out. Overall control is weak. GAMEPLAY-8/10 Very fun game if you got a two player game goin and pretty good if you are playing by yourself. But the controls are pretty hard so you and your friend may need a real gun to shoot the screen because the control can be so frustrating. FINAL COMMENTS OVERALL-7/10 A pretty good game if you like shooters and own a gun for 3DO but Crime Patrol is way to hard! If it wasnt for the control this game would rock!